Why Knowing Your Partner's Love Language is Important

Knowing your partner's love language and letting your partner know your love language can be a way to ensure that you receive the love that you expect in your relationship. The five love languages are: words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service, and receiving gifts. 

This conversation should take place as you are getting to know each other. You should tell your partner your love language and ask for their love language. This allows you both to love each other in the way that you want to be loved. Learning about your partner shows that you care and respect them enough to treat them as they would like to be treated. 

The most common love language is quality time. If your partner enjoys quality time planning a movie date or a quiet dinner alone may speak to their love language. Maybe your partner's love language is acts of service, be sure to complete house chores or errands for your partner without being asked. If your partner enjoys receiving gifts, ensure that you pay attention to their purchases and requests in order to purchase those gifts that could make your partner smile.

Although you know your partner's love language it may take time to adapt to that love language if you do not share the same love language. Acknowledge that it is common for partners not to share the same love language, be open to compromise, and communicate what you need. Also understand that how you give love may not be the same as how you receive love. This can lead to a loving relationship!

By Chantay Stanley, MSW, LCSWA


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